News & Media

Last Day of Class

Presidents Desk Last Day SP21

Dear Students,

As the academic year comes to a close, I wanted to take this moment to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication. This past year has been filled with challenges yet your fortitude withstood the test. I proudly celebrate with you all the successes you’ve accomplished this academic semester. You have worked tirelessly in pursuit of your education and I’m deeply appreciative of your commitment.

Our troubling times have added an extra layer of stress yet you’ve balanced it all in pursuit of your dreams. The troubling times that have faced have not broken your spirit but instead displayed your resilience. You are a soul destined for greatness.

For those who are completing their time here at BHU, I pray that you are still engaged and in touch. Please join the alumni and share your many talents.

If you’re returning for the summer semester, thank you for joining us! Our work continues to ensure that you can obtain a quality education in a safe environment.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming Commencement ceremony and the summer months.

Warmest Regards,

Benson M. Karanja, Ed.D., H.S.C.