Refund Policy | Title IV

Financial Aid Refund Policy / Return to Title IV

Unofficial Withdrawal

The procedure Beulah Heights University uses to return funds to the appropriate federal account for student who withdrew or stop attending classes. This process is used to determine whether a Title IV aid recipient attended Beulah Heights University during a semester and stopped attending classes. If the financial aid recipient misses more than twelve class hours for that course (4 scheduled classes) and there is no contact with the student, the instructor must assume that the person has unofficially withdrew from the classes. The instructor must forward that person's name and last date of attendance to the Academic and Financial Aid Offices.

The Academic Office must inform the Financial Aid Office that the student has unofficially withdrew. The Academic Office must give the Financial Aid Office a withdrawal form on the affected student with his/hers name and last date of attendance. The Financial Aid Office will prepare the refund calculation referred to as a return to Title IV. The financial aid office will complete a refund worksheet and forward to the Business Office. The Business Office will refund the monies to the appropriate accounts such as Federal Pell Grant, SEOG, and lenders.

If a student receives all "Fs", the instructor must document that the student completed the courses but failed to achieve the objectives of the class.

If a financial aid recipient received all "Fs" at the end of the semester, the Financial Aid Office will request the last date of attendance from the Academic Office. If the student unofficially withdrew and the Financial Aid Office was not notified; the Academic Office will be requested to do a withdrawal form for the student. The Financial Aid Office will be responsible for preparing the refund calculation and forwarding the information to the Business Office. The Business Office will send the appropriate monies back to the relative accounts.

Official Withdrawals

For withdrawals prior to the first day of classes, a student receives a 100% refund.

Students withdrawing from one or more classes, but are still at least half-time attendance will have their enrollment updated in NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System). Any student dropping below half-time attendance will have their enrollment updated and notified that they will go into repayment 6 months from their last day of attendance.

If a student withdraws from Beulah Heights University and is receiving federal financial aid, a portion of those funds may have to be returned to the federal aid programs. If a student withdraws from all classes before completing 60% of the semester, the student is only entitled to federal student aid based on the percentage of time that was completed. Pro¬ rata refunds are calculated and determined by percentage of the semester that has been completed up to and including the official date of withdrawals. Based on this calculation, the University determines the amount of financial aid that is unearned and is responsible for returning any portion necessary to the appropriate financial aid programs and /or lender. Financial aid funds are returned to the federal programs in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan, Subsidized Stafford Loan, Federal Pell Grant and Federal SEOG. Any remaining credit balances will then be returned to the university and/or student.

Withdrawal from the university could result in a balanced owed to the University for Federal Aid that must be returned to the federal programs and/or lender.

After the 60% point of the semester, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds.