
Withdrawal Policy

Registration at Beulah Heights University is considered a contract binding the student for the entire semester. Many commitments of the university are based upon the enrollment anticipated at the beginning of the semester. Students have the right to withdraw from individual courses or from the university. However, the university requires students to consult with his or her academic advisor prior to withdrawing. To withdraw, the student must submit a completed withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar with signatures from their academic advisor, business office and financial aid. This form can also be printed from the web site and emailed/mailed or faxed to the Registrar Office (registrar@beulah.edu) . Students who do not officially withdraw (verbally or in writing) are not eligible to receive a withdrawal refund. When a student officially withdraws from the institution, any refund of tuition will be governed by the refund policy as outlined under Withdrawal Refund Policy. Refunds generated from institution withdrawals are calculated from day one to week eight, covering 61% of the semester in Fall/Spring semesters and week four in Summer.

Course Withdrawals

The refund schedule for course withdrawals is as follows:

If a Student Withdraws from a Course Refund Percentage Fall/Spring Refund Percentage Summer
During Week One - Drop/Add period (before class has met)100%100%
During Week One (after class has met)95%95%
During Week Two85%0%
During Week Three65%0%
During Week Four50%0%
During Week Five through the end of the semester0%0%

NOTE: No withdrawals are permitted after week 12 (fall/spring) or after week 4 (summer).


Institutional Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from the institution (i.e. drop all courses) before the end of the eighth week of a semester will receive a refund of their tuition on a pro-rata basis dependent on the official date of withdrawal.

The refund schedule for institutional withdrawals is as follows:

If Student Withdraws from the Institution Refund Percentage Fall/Spring Refund Percentage Summer
On or before the first day of classes100%100%
Week One (if class has started)95%95%
Week Two90%75%
Week Three75%0%
Week Four75%0%
Week Five0%0%
Week Six0%0%
Week Seven0%0%
Week Eight0%0%

NOTE: All classes/courses are subject to the same withdrawal refund policy, which includes modular, directed study, internships, and online.


Withdrawal Survey