BHU Catalogs

University Catalog

New Digital Catalog

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Previous Catalogs

Please contact the Office of the Registrar to review any catalogs not listed.

Purpose of the University Catalog

The purpose of a university catalog is to be of use to present or potential students and family members, to serve as a historical document and to let others know the nature and scope of programs available. Every effort was made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication; the various staff and faculty members listed herein will do their best to answer questions. Students have the responsibility to become familiar with these policies and processes as they pursue their educational goals. The students, administration, faculty and staff have the mutual responsibility of bringing the words to life by making the learning experiences as pleasant and productive as possible. The university reserves the right to change any part of it at any time.

Catalog Content Subject To Change

These publications are certified as true and correct in content and policy as of the date of publication. The university, however, reserves the right to make changes of any nature in programs, calendar, or academic schedules whenever these are deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in policies and procedures, course content, class rescheduling, and the cancelling of scheduled classes or other academic activities.